Thursday, December 29, 2005

Keeping you posted

Well I am glad more people are reading my post. And the advice is great. I have had a lot of trouble sleeping lately and I think partly because I still sleep next to him. I mean I don't want him to be a complete jerk while living there and trying to get out. I mean he thinks we are going to work it out but still realizes that we fight everyday about everything and I am sure he notices that I am not wearing his ring and am not going to put it back on. He just doesn't make sense, like right after he told me he wanted to take a break from one another the very next day he was very nice??? I just can't fall back into his game anymore. And by the way I wanted to thank the person that commented on my last post making me look like a great and sexy person. I never get compliments like that and it was very nice. I had a night off from the kids last night, the 2 girls were spending the night at their cousin's house and t.j spent the night at my mom's for the second night in a row. I think that they will be the hardest part of this break up.
I am still job searching and it is not looking that great for now, just because everything takes so long. I will probablly have to get a waitress job or banquet serving job. I mean I used to make like 9-10 dollars/hour doing banquets, the hours were long and it was strenious work but good pay, plus it got me away for a little bit. I think I am going crazy being at this house for more than a few hours.
My plans for the new years eve thing aren't that exciting and will probablly get me into trouble that I just don't need, but I need a break. I don't drive on that day because of all the police and drunk drivers. So I, Ted, my brother, chris(ted's friend) and a few others plan on staying in a having a few beers to ring in the new year. Plus since yesterday my insurance is cancelled because we couldn't afford to pay the bill. I have never drove without insurance, now I will have to go to my Dad and ask him to pay for my insurance and the cheapest kind at that, being bonded. That means I am covered under whatever I drive but it doesn't cover the vehicle, so if my vehicle gets damaged then I get screwed. Unless it is the other persons fault.
Can someone tell me what is like to be happy with someone? What I should expect so to speak, or I guess how a good guy would treat me? I want to believe that stuff that happens in the movies really can happen.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Movies are just that --- movies! Life is real. I think we all must learn to be happy with ourselves before we can find happiness with someone else.
There's nothing wrong with waiting tables, at least you have enough ambition to work, and that's very admirable..

8:17 PM  
Blogger Tim Appleton (Applehead) said...

I agree. movies are not reality. Life is and when you find tha mr. right, he is not going to right at all. but you will work with him and he will work with you, Unlike a certain someone that you need to get rid of...

9:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, where are you?? I miss reading your posts..

10:11 AM  
Blogger amyd76 said...

I think that there's a little voice in the back of your head that tells you if you are with the wrong person. I heard that voice for several years, and chose to ignore it most of the time. That was not a smart thing for me to do. I think that if you are happy with someone, and know that person is right and good for you, you don't have that nagging voice. That's just from my experience. Good luck.

11:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please come back to us!

3:09 PM  
Blogger delilah said...

Okay, where did you go? I thought you have more free time now????

5:10 PM  

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