Sunday, October 30, 2005

another day

A day in the life as me.... I am extremely busy if you all haven't noticed. I am constantly moving and doing something. I have 18 credit hours at Akron U. this semester because I am trying to graduate by December 17. Which is turning out to be more work than I intended. But hey what did I know. I am doing my internship still at the stark county jail which is turning out to be more boring everyday. Some days are exiciting but others not. Hey it is a chance to put my foot in the door. If anyone I know is reading this and knows of anyone else they would like to send my page to for comments or something interesting to add go on right ahead. I could use all the advise I can get at this point in my life. My significant other and I are not fighting so much lately but that may be just because we hardly talk and when we start to fight we just stop talking, because it is easier and less messy than fighting. On a good note, my uncle, his girlfriend and two small children put a down payment on a house and are moving out in mid November. That doesn't help us pay the bills or what not either but hey everyone only seems to care about themselves...or at least most people not all. I finally got into that freecycle site my friend sent to me where people trade and exchange things for free and I got 350 emails the same day I was entered on the akron cite. That is crazy!!! Well another day is over and doesn't seem like it because of the time change and all but it is, I took his kids trick-or-treating like 3 different times and it was great everytime, because to see the kids all dressed up, we didn't fight and we all had a good time. Well the end of anther day is coming near so until the sun rise of the next I will see or talk to you all on the flip side.... :)


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