Tuesday, October 04, 2005


O.K now the reason for my outburst is this.... Today I have this huge test in my Spanish class and I also have discussion questions due in my Theory class today as well as a quiz in there and a paper and another set of questions due on Thursday, and I have an 8 hour internship day tomorrow. I am about to scream...oh yeah I just did. I also can't pay any of my bills because we aren't making enough money to even get by, we keep recieving shut off notices in the mail and we are praying that we will make it through and everything will be o.k. Then I go to any store and not only is there Halloween stuff out, but also Christmas stuff, only 3 months away, and with three kids you have to think ahead. We also are going to be moving in a couple of months. I want my childhood bubble back, where there were no worries or fears or any of this adult crap call life I never had to go through. I wish I read someone elses stories that were worse than mine, I feel like life is only full of crapy stuff and nothing good ever happens...ever....


Blogger delilah said...

I expected an update today...And where have you been? You are missing a good series at church about Button pushers & toxic relationships. I think it would be good for you. I hope life isn't so crazy for you this week. Give me a call when you have a chance.

5:24 PM  

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