Sunday, November 20, 2005


I want to believe that there is more than one chance at pretty much everything. Today in church we talked about past failures and becomming free. This series has really touched my life in that I have been thinking a lot lately about the choices I have made in the past. I am not so sure that all of them were good ones. I know we all make mistakes and what we do with them could lead us into a lesson or a well deserved butt kick if you know what I mean. I do however want to know what it is like to date and be single again.... or just be happy. The word itself is almost meaningless anymore because I really feel I have nothing that reminds me of it. The only thing that I am holding onto right now are the kids and the hope that "it" really can be better. It may not be better with him or where I am currently at but call me a "dreamer" but I want to think that someone could treat me better. I can't write too much right now but plan to write on a more regular basis. It has been good going to church because there I learn that I am not alone in all of my thinking and that it is possible that maybe out there someone may be going through a similiar situation as mine and they made it. I mean I talk about it as if he were beating me or something it isn't that bad, it just isn't good either. I can't visit Jerry Springer everyday of my life. There is a light at the end of the tunnel because I am going to graduate on December 17 this year...YEAH!!! I don't know how many of you are actually reading my posts and all that because like I said earlier only one person comments and thank goodness for that because I would probablly not be writing if not for her (thank you). It is good to have healthy relationships not just with a significant other but aslo with family and friends (that of which I have been lacking lately). So if more of you are reading this please let me know because right now I could use all the friends I can get.
Also Have a Great Thanksgiving all!!!! Eat up...


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