Thursday, December 22, 2005

Christmas-being single?

O.K, since my well whatever he is has 3 children 2 of which are living with us, I have had the countdown until christmas for more than a month now. Officially there are 3 days including today until the BIG day. That means only 2 shopping days left. Thank God I am done, we haven't had that much money, so much of it was given to us, but I still had to go out there in that craziness and pick it up. I just started thinking and I never really let any of you know of my situation. I have just been complaining about it. I will give you all a shortened version of it.
It all started about 5 years ago. Right after I graduated from high school I went away to Ohio State, where I had proceeded to talk to ted on the phone and we became very good friends. As some of you may know Ohio State is one of the biggest party campuses on God's green earth so of course I did some of my own. I lived in the dorms so my parents didn't know too much about it, until I came home and they read my diary. Then they kicked me out and I had nowhere to go but to my Aunt's who unfortunately was on drugs at the time. I was trying to escape a crappy little 2 month relationship I had just gotten out of with a guy that was also staying there. That didn't work out to well and I ended up running away from that as well... right into the arms of Ted. We then moved down to Arkansas with my Ted's daughter and my brother. (yes I took my brother, I am not going somewhere I dont know anything). We couldn't find work so we came back up here, my brother got his own place but I was IN LOVE?? i guess so I moved in with Ted's mom and sister and her two kids, and his brother and his son, yes it was a house full and not clean in any way. It was very hard living. I felt no offense to anyone reading this but I felt like I was stuck smack dab in the middle of a west virginia brall. I mean these people are just plain bad, trailor park trash type people. Anyway right before I was about to lose my mind Ted and I got our own place and he got all three kids to move in with us. That was a lot to handle but I knew he was a package sort of deal. I loved it at first, but he didn't work a steady job just went out and said he was working (later I found out what he was really doing) LYING. Anyway. After about 1 1/2 years of keeping all of teds friends in our house for time to time (never alone as a family) I started to watch Ted's brother's kids. Jeff is his name. He only has 1 child but the girl he had the boy with had one already sort of like Ted, and he took care of her, then the girl (Joann) had another kid with Jeff's cousin. (see the west virginianess) Anyway, no judgement right, so I was working a regular job until she offered me what I was making there to stay at home with ted's kids and her kids, I was like GREAT!! I loved being at home. So I started watching yes 6 kids none of which were mine, then later on I started noticing things, like lying, being out late, showers as soon as he would return home, all that stuff you hear about cheaters but don't want to believe. Then he lied to me for another YEAR and I knew the truth but didn't want to realize I knew the truth I guess. We broke up and I was ready to leave, then he asked me to marry him and I said no like 3 times, but then I broke down and said yes??? He said he would never do it again, he didnt know what he had until it was gone, all that crap. Keep reading it gets better, and I am almost done.
So now we live in a house on north hill with 2 out of 3 of his kids, the lease is in both of our names, He thinks I am seeing the guy I posted about, (which I am not to save our relationship), We have lived here a little over a year, and we just celebrated, if you can call it that our 4th aniversery in September. He left me a message yesterday that we should 'take a break from one another'. I have been wanting to leave him for a long time but have no where to go, and still in my heart love him, plus call me stupid but how can you take a break from someone you live with. Oh yeah I wasn't wearing my ring yesterday so he took it. He must be serious about this whole taking a break from one another thing.

Please tell me what you think....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do you feel you have to have a man in your life? Just curious.

1:06 PM  
Blogger Tim Appleton (Applehead) said...

now really you must get out of dodge. you must go some offense about the WV reference taken. I still make fun of them and I live down here now.

1:50 PM  
Blogger Justiene said...

I don't really feel like I need a man in my life, he is just here. I really would like to be 'free' in a sense from a man. I want my own apartment and be able to do what I want, when I want and not have to answer to anyone except God. I am just tired. I feel like I am living with my dad or something. I am trying to get out, and I know I make excuses but as soon as I get a good job and can support myself I will, I just don't want to leave too soon, because I don't want to have to fall back into something like this again.

7:35 AM  

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