Wednesday, December 21, 2005


I just want to know why do I put up with so much crap? Or am I putting up with crap? I mean do I really have it all that bad, I just can't take this life anymore. I mean don't get me wrong I am not going to do anything stupid so that is not what I am saying I just want a very BIG change to occur in my life and I want that change to occur soon. Ted and I fight all the time and we fought again yesterday surprise, surprise. I am not even sure what we fight about anymore. Well then today I had nothing going on except to finish my papers before grades were do. So that is what I have been working on all morning, I call ted on his break at like 9:30am and he says he don't feel good that he probablly don't even want me to bring him lunch and I hadn't heard from him all day, so I assumed he hadn't changed his mind, so I call him to tell him I am working on getting my papers done and that I wasn't going to bring him lunch, then he text messages me that he wants food, so I call him back to tell him that I could bring him food just a little bit later, he freaks out and says that I am ignoring him and all this crap and that he doesn't mean anything to me. So we hang up on each other rather than saying something either one of us will regret. So then about 5-10 minutes later I get this text message that says..."I think we should take a brake from one another." What the heck is that all about, all that I have been wanting for a really long time, but answering me can you take a break from someone you live with. And are you just supposed to take a break like not see each other cause living together that can't happen, or does that mean he wants us to start seeing other people??? I am so confused at this point.
On a brighter and finally other note, I took the first test at Stark County sheriff's office, and I think I did really good, Now I have to fill out this extremely long application with the most detailed of information and turn it in withing 2 weeks, seems like a long time huh...but when you have to remember all the places you worked and all the pertinent info that goes with it, plus all the places I went to school and all their info, you see how long this is going to take. I just wanted to say that I really appreciate all of you who are reading my blog as well. I think I would be doing a lot more screaming lately if I didn't have this thing to vent on.
I also wanted to note that I finally GRADUATED from college, it was getting a little iffy towards the end though because I didn't have things turned in and grades were no where near being good this semester with me taking 18 credit hours, 25 hours a week at the jail, the kids, Ted, home life and all that. But I really think I did it!! Yeah now I can get a real job and get the heck out.
Could still use some advice on the Ted and other guy thing (refer to last post).


Blogger Tim Appleton (Applehead) said...

Aright, I think I can leave some advice now. It sounds to me like you shouls drop Ted like a bad habit. really. about living together.... if your name is the only one on the lease then you can kick him out. I know it sounds a little harsh but if he suggests you guys "take a break" then he would be more then happy to take a hike. and if your not on the lease I would move.It sound like you have more important things to worry about than catering to a man right now. i.e. filling out all those job apps and getting your life back on track. Don't get me wrong it's not easy, but it will sure help out the whole "I just can't take this life anymore." thoughts. about the other guy I would take that slow too.

You need to focus on what you are doing now to improve your future. most guys you meet are not there to look out for you. I think tihe harder you look the harder it is to find some one.
Get some friends who you know are looking out for you. I think that all for now that's alot to digest and try to get a hold of.

4:00 AM  
Blogger delilah said...

Advice from Applehead at 4 AM??? Wow. I CAN NOT believe Ted suggested you "take a break". At least you know he can take a hint. Please find a job ASAP...even if it is at Walmart & get the heck out. We will help you move. I know it is going to hurt because you have invested so much time into this relationship. You have raised his children and taken care of his life. You are like me...a fixer. Trust me no matter how hard you try you are not going to fix this man. You deserve someone so much better. You are so beautiful and kind. You have to believe that God has a better plan for you. Life isn't always roses but you shouldn't have to suffer. Besides you need a nice Christian boy. Get your life together and God will show you who.... I've been there and done that...I know.

5:59 AM  

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