Friday, January 20, 2006

The Break Up

O.K, I will first start off by saying that my day has officially gone from bad to worse in a matter of minutes. First off I was bummed because I was taken out of the process for Stark County that means no job there. Then I went to this church group thing tonight with Delilah, and I had already told Ted that I was going, and almost backed out at the last second because I didn't want to fight with Ted when I came home. But Delilah conviced me to go and I am really glad I did. I had a lot of fun and it is great hanging out with people that don't use curse words as verbs, adverbs, nouns and well you get the point.
Here is what happened.
I went to Delilah's house around 5:40pm and then we went to the group thing around 6pm and we left there about 9:45pm or so. After that I didn't feel like going home right away because I knew what was waiting for me a big fight and I didn't want to deal with that at the time. So I stayed at Delilah's house for a few more hours, sorry guys to keep you awake. I left there about 12:45am and headed home. When I got there Ted's friend Judd was there and so I checked on the kids because there was no sign of Ted. They were asleep, I got T.J up so he could use the bathroom and on my way upstairs I noticed that there were messages on the machine and I couldn't hear them because someone was on the phone had to be Judd, as soon as I reached the top of the stairs he walks out of the bathroom and hangs up the phone. Said he was talking to his mom, yeah right, just keeping tabs on me for Ted.
When Ted got home, I was in the bathroom doing what most people do in there and using it, he just walks right in and starts yelling at me about how late I was and that I wasn't at no church until 1am. Then I went downstairs and yelled at him that it wasn't fair to accuse me of lying because I wasn't and blah blah blah f#$* this and f#*& that followed by I hate you and I was planning on leaving you anyways rolled out of my mouth and that I dind't want to be with him followed shortly after. He then said you can have the whole house to yourself I will be out in a few days.
Which means if I have any friends reading this I may be asking for a place to stay sooner than later. And I may not ask because I don't want to put anyone out and all. So I guess I will start my adventurous packing tomorrow. And try to get a storage shed for my stuff and live out of a bag for awhile. Hey it has to be better than this even if it is my car.


Blogger ~Jacki said...

Sorry about the job. I'm praying for you! I'm starting to learn what it's like to be searching. I did find an extremely helpful site for job searching for what you want to go into. It's worth creating a resume and posting it and then searching for jobs (the searching isn't that fun or easy, but it may at least give you ideas). Check it out...

1:03 PM  
Blogger ~Jacki said...

PS> Sorry...I always forget something! What's your email address? You can find me at or 330-687-7560. Don't hesitate to call if you need ANYTHING!

1:04 PM  
Blogger ~Jacki said...

Yep, it's me again. I don't have an email address for you, so I'm posting my response to your post to me. I have been really watching what I eat and writing down EVERYTHING I eat, drink, exercise, and my thoughts on it all each day. It's a bit of a pain, but it keeps me in check. I also go to the Rec Center (I'm getting as much use out of it as I can in my last semester) 4 days a week for at least an hour, usually closer to 2. I also drink alot of water, walk more, and always take the stairs. Let me know if yu ever want to get together and just walk or hike or anything.

6:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sorry to hear about your bad day. We really enjoyed having you in group and would like to encourage you to keep coming.

Ending realationships are always difficult. I'm glad you have the millers as friends and you can lean on your new friends in group.

Take care,

Brad & Jen

12:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WHERE ARE YOU?? I look and look but you are never here!

1:19 PM  
Blogger delilah said...

Okay, it has been entirely too long since your last post...Where did you go? Call me or something.

4:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You've left us all wondering! What has happened?

11:39 AM  

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