Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Hi, ya'll.
As I said before I would give you all an explanation of what has been going on in my life. I do want to again say sorry to everyone for not posting in such a long time. I am thinking about getting a myspace, yup I said it a myspace. I know I am so against it but everyone has one and being away for almost 2 weeks has made me realize it is a great way to keep in touch with people that you may not see all that often. I am also learning many new things from reading people's myspace pages.
I have not been up to much...I am still single and living in the same place all by myself with my iguana. I did have two as some of you may know but this past Thanksgiving one of them died. It was pretty hard on me because they are sort of all I have at home but I got through it and the oldest one is still going strong. Right now I am sitting in Michigan I know (boooooo!!) but I am here for work which means work has been well...great actually. I am here for training and have been here for almost two weeks. I have met a lot of neat and interesting people here, and hope to keep in touch with most of them. Before I came here a lot of people were saying that I would meet a lot of people that I would stay friends with for a long time and I believe some of them I will.
I have not had a lot of luck on the dating end of things but am still working on that. I have been talking to one guy named Chris and he is a sweetheart....however I am not sure how we can see things eye to eye so to speak. He is younger than me and still lives at home...for those of you that know we all refer to him as "ninja turtle sheets". Funny story I will write about that another time. I met him at a country line dancing bar a few months back. I have been sort of going there for about 4 months now, I try to go every Wed. because that is when they have the actual line dancing. I also met this awesome guy there as well and his name is Dave a.k.a "hillbilly". He is a big teddy bear so to speak. He is 6'3" and fills out his over alls if you know what I mean, he is 22 and works as a carpenter for a construction company in Independence (up by cleveland). We have talked a bit on the phone and even hung out at my place a few times but I am not sure what to think of him yet, meaning I am not sure if he likes me or what is going on...trying to figure it out, as soon as I do I will let you all know.
One more guy though is Aaron, I met him here actually. He works for the same company I do and he works out of the Columbus branch. He is 24 and a CUTIE! Again I am not sure how to put my finger on what he thinks of me...does this ever get any easier????
Funny Story:
I was sitting down in the bar area of the hotel we are staying at last night and was having a few drinks with some of the people from my training class. I wasn't dressed to impress if you know what I mean. I was wearing an Ohio State sweatshirt (in michigan that is a big No No, because they are rivals) any who...a guy said something about it and I don't back down, I am a fan no matter where I go so I showed my team spirit and to my surprise he was a fan as well. He was pretty cute, dark hair, dark eyes, good build (worked out) and he looked to be about 28-30 or so. I walked away with a smile. Later on he walked over to our group and started to talk to me, after he walked away everyone in the group informed me that he was hitting on me and I should go talk to him but I was chicken..... So I didn't.
So I will leave it on this am I doing o.k, having fun, living life and walking with my head high and a smile on my face for once. That is much different than I was this time last year. So to all that read this...Delilah... I am back and ready to be 24 and love it. Hope to hear from all of you soon..


Blogger delilah said...

Ha....I saw you took my quiz and thought...hmmmmm....I wonder if she has been blogging!? I want you to start posting more often young lady. Did you set up a myspace? I am going to check.

1:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there, I saw you had posted a comment on Delila's blog and thought....could this really be Justiene?? Great to know you are doing so well. Keep smiling...

Aunt D.

6:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! I am glad you had fun. Does it still surprise you so that men consider you to be very attractive?

5:16 AM  

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